Grow and Learn
Ettington Pre-School provides flexible childcare to cater for a variety of different situations, these include term time only & full time places. Preschool is open from 8.30am - 4.30pm Mondays and Fridays. 8.00am until 5.30pm Tuesday to Thursday, including a hot meal at teatime. These hours exclude bank holidays, one week over Christmas & the last week of August.

Extra Care
Before and After Club
Ettington Before and After School Club provides wrap around care for children from reception to Year 6.
We provide a safe and enjoyable environment for all children. The Club strives to provide a fun and enjoyable place for the children to come play, relax and provide games and activities to suit all their interests.
We follow the curriculum and plan and observe our reception children to ensure we are supporting their learning and development.

Breakfast Club
7.45 am until 8.50 am
The children have a wide selection of breakfast to choose from such as: croissant, toast, fruit and a range of cereals. We provide the opportunity for some play before they go to school. We then take the children to their lines on the playground and wait until they are all safely in the building with their teachers.

After School Club
3.20 pm until 5.30 pm
At the After School Club we have a range of free flow activities for the children to enjoy. We also do a range of adult led activities which include science experiments, junk modelling and group sport games outside. The children have access to the computers but we try to encourage the children to complete homework as well as play maths or science games.
Book either until 4.30 pm or until 5.30 pm.

We provide care of the highest possible standard in line with OFSTED and we are a member of the Pre-school Learning Alliance

Our objective is to provide high quality, integrated
early education and childcare service for the local

Terms & Conditions
Our objective is to provide high quality, integrated
early education and childcare service for the local
"Outstanding pre-School Provider"

Ettington Pre School
Apply for Admission
Download an application form or collect one from the pre-schol